How to Fix Uneven Paint on Walls

An uneven paint is very disappointing after several hours of hard work trying to give your space a fresh and beautiful look. The job appears unprofessional, messy, and unsightly. You will find yourself questioning what professionals do to achieve seamless results. There is a lot more to painting than just taking a brush and paint and coloring your walls.

Nonuniform paint is caused by some reasons and is also easy to fix. Here is how you can fix uneven paint walls.

Reasons for uneven paint

Before you solve your problem, you should know the cause to avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

● Poor quality paint.

● Rough surface.

● You are applying a single coat of paint.

● You are touching up an already dry surface the wrong way.

● You are overloading the painting brush or roller.

● Heat or moisture

● Overlapping wet paint


Since you now know the probable cause of your messy situation, you can now work towards fixing the problem and have your walls sparkling as intended.

Use a patching material in the highly recessed part. If there is no much difference, you can sand lightly and skip the plastering.

Using a putty knife, smooth the section and then sand over the area to remove the paint’s top layer. It will also smoothen the plaster.

Always clean your surface before applying any layer of paint. You can use a damp cloth for the process. Also, ensure to remove any dust particles on the section to avoid bubbles.

Tape your trims using painter’s tape to prevent painting over the other section of the wall. It protects your edges too.

Now apply your paint, ensuring that there is no too much paint on the roller or bush. Also, ensure that the first layer is completely dry before adding the next one. Essentially, apply more layers if needed. But two coats work best with most paints.


Manufacturers’ instructions vary depending on the product you are using. Therefore make sure to read the guidelines and the recommended temperatures.

Drywall painting is not as simple as you may presume. You will realize this once you do your first painting, and it gets ugly. A painting contractor will help you get through any painting problem more effectively. EastBay Drywall Repair Service is the best plug for quality home repair services. Just give us a call on (408) 338-6634, and you will love our work.